Piezo Transducers: Nano-Precision Piezoelectric / Actuators and Assemblies
Piezo transducers provide nano-scale precision for many motion applications; they are also used as ultrasonic transmitters and sensors for structural analysis, sound generation and fluid level & flow metrology, etc. PI and PI Ceramic are the leading manufacturers of high precision piezo transducers and actuator assemblies in industries such as: Medical; Semiconductors; Biotechnology and Medicine; Lasers, Optics, Microscopy; Aerospace Engineering;
Precision Machining; Astronomy and Microsystems Technology.
PI offers different types of transducers and actuators:
Bimorph Piezo Bender Tranducers
- Closed-Loop Option
- Nanometer-Range Resolution
- Deflection to 2mm
- Ceramic Insulation for Extended Lifetime
- Ideal for Medical Scanning Applications
- Vacuum-Compatible Versions
- Low Operating Voltage
- Mounting Hardware Included
P-876 Piezoelectric Patch Transducers |
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- Actuator, Sensor or Energy Source
- Highly Formable Ceramics
- Can be Applied to Curved Surfaces
- Customized Solutions on Request
- Cost-Effective
PL022 PICMA® Chip Miniature Piezo Tranducers
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- Ceramic Encapsulation for Extended Lifetime
- Ultra-Compact, from 2 x 2 x 2 mm
- High Curie Temperature
- Ideal for Dynamic Operation
- Sub-Millisecond Response / Sub-Nanometer Resolution
- UHV Compatible to 10-9 hPa
- Superior Lifetime
P-007 – P-056
PICA-Stack / High Force Piezoceramic tranducers
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- High Load Capacity to 100 kN
- High Force Generation to 80 kN
- Large Cross Sections to 56 mm Diameter
- Variety of Shapes
- Extreme Reliability >1000,000,000 Cycles
- Proven and Flexible Design
- Sub-Nanometer-Resolution / Sub-Millisecond-Settling-Time
- Vacuum-Compatible Versions
NEXACT® Nanopositioning Actuators |
N-310 NEXACT® OEM Miniature Linear Motor/Actuator
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- 20 mm Standard Travel Range, Flexible Choice of the Runner Length
- Compact and Cost-Effective Design
- 0.03 nm Resolution**To 10 N Push/Pull Force
- Low Operating Voltage
- Self-Locking at Rest, No Head Dissipation, Nanometer Stability
- Non-Magnetic and Vacuum-Compatible Working Principle
N-381 NEXLACT® Linear Actuator, Manipulator, Piezo Stepper |
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- Travel Range 30 mm Zero-Wear Piezo Stepping Drive, Ideal for Micro- and Nano-Manipulation
- Integrated Linear Encoder Option for Highest Accuracy with 20 nm Resolution
- Very High Acceleration, e.g. for Cell Penetration
- Two Operating Modes: Continuous Stepping Mode and Continuously Variable, High-Dynamics Analog Mode for 30 pm Resolution**
- Up to 10 N Force Generation
- Self-Locking at Rest, no Heat Generation Smooth Motion, no Closed-Loop Jitter
- Vacuum-Compatible and Non-Magnetic Versions
NEXLINE® Nanopositioning Actuators |
N-111 NEXLINE®OEM Linear Actuator
with Long Travel
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- Winner of the SEMI Technology Innovation Showcase Award
- 3 mm Travel Range
- <0.1 Nanometer Resolution
- Active Force Generation to 30 N
- >50 N Holding Force Self-Locking
- Non Magnetic Option
N-216 NEXLINE® High-Load Piezo Nanopositioning Actuator
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- Travel Range 20 mm
- Resolutionto 0.03 nm
- Open-Loop, 5 nm Closed-Loop Up to 800 N Holding Force
- Self-Locking at Rest
- Non-Magnetic and Vacuum-Compatible Working Principle
- Cleanroom Compatible
Flexure-Guided Nanopositioning Actuators
P-601 PiezoMove® High-Precision Lever Amplified Z-Actuator with Flexure Guiding
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- Flexure Guidance for Frictionless, Ultra-Straight Motion
- Travel Ranges to 480 Microns
- Resolution to 0.2 Nanometers
- High Dynamics and Stiffness
- PICMA® High-Performance Piezo Actuators
- Open and Closed-Loop Versions
- Ideal for OEM Applications
P-602 Flexure Transducer / Actuator, High Stiffness
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- Frictionless Flexure Guiding System for Straight Motion
- Integrated Motion Amplifier for Travel Ranges to 1 mm
- High Dynamics and Stiffness, Forces to 400 N, Backlash-Free Construction
- Outstanding Lifetime Due to PICMA® Piezo Actuators
- Available with Integrated Position Sensor
- Custom Designs with Larger Travel or Faster Response and Non-Magnetic Versions Feasible
- Ideal for OEM-Applications in Adaptronics, Biotechnology or Microfluidics
P-603 Piezo Flexure Transducer
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- Frictionless, High-Precision Flexure Guiding System Travel Ranges to 500 µm
- Cost-Effective Design Outstanding Lifetime Due to PICMA® Piezo Actuators
- Available with Integrated Position Sensor Ideal OEM Actuators for Precision Motion Control in Optics, Medical, Biotech and Microfluidics Applications
- Custom Designs with Larger Travel or Faster Response and Non-Magnetic Versions Feasible
Piezo Tranducers
P-882, P-885, P-887 – P-888
PICMA® Piezo Stack Transducers
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- Award-Winning Multilayer Transducer Technology
- Low Operating Voltage
- Superior Lifetime Even Under Extreme Conditions
- Very Large Operating-Temperature Range
- High Humidity Resistance
- Excellent Temperature Stability
- High Stiffness
- UHV Compatible to 10-9 hPa
- Sub-Millisecond Response & Sub-Nanometer Resolution
P-212, P-216
P-225, P-235 Preloaded Piezo Tranducers |
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- Travel Range to 180 µm
- Pushing Forces to 4500 N
- Pulling Forces to 500 N
- Sub-ms Response
- Sub-Nanometer Resolution
- Options: Vacuum, High- and Low-Temperature
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P-212, P-216 High Force Encased Piezo Stack Transducer
P-225, P-235 Ultra-.High Force Encased Piezo Stack Transducer
Preloaded Piezo Translators (LVPZT)
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- Displacement to 90 µm
- Pushing Forces to 1000 N
- Preloaded for Pulling Forces to 50 N
- Sub-msec Response
- Sub-Nanometer Resolution
- Options: Ball Tip, Vacuum Versions